Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ile de Ngor

I am fairly certain that this was the island suggested by the traveling magazine my mom sent me sometime last semester. It was fun, and inexpensive. We took a taxi there, a pirogue (traditional boat) across to the island, and then a kar rapide back home for about $5 us a person.

It was fun to ride in the boat on the way there, and the island itself was quite enjoyable. There were vendors like at Goree, but they weren't nearly as aggressive and things were pretty cheap. All my teammates will appreciate knowing I got a turtle dress for just about $4. I believe it has a promising future.

Djiby met us there, as morning is far too early on a Saturday. We spent just about the whole day there and at the end, Addie and I talked about possibly staying overnight sometime in the next week or so. It would be neat to see the island when it's quiet. And as Djiby arrived quite late, he said that we would go back this week.

I should add I got the worst sunburn of my stay here. It's been years since I had sunburn on my legs. Oops. Luckily, my host family just so happens to keep a giant aloe plant on hand and it was given to me freely.

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