Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chicken Soup

Do you guys remember Chicken Soup for the Soul? I don't know if they're still making new ones, but I'm pretty sure their popularity peaked right around the new millennium. I remember that there was this one called "Chicken Soup for the Teenager's Soul on Tough Stuff" A whole book, dedicated to dealing with difficult things teens go through.

I've had some tough stuff going on around me lately, and today especially, coupled with the joys. I find myself thinking again of Job, and how God just let Satan mess with Job, confident that he would remain faithful. See the Lord wanted to use Job to show the world that no matter what happens, He's still there, and He is our ultimate source of joy and contentment. Remember how Romans 8:28 says that all things work together for our good? Well our good is ultimately God's glory. So even the worst life can throw at us is going to be used to show the magnificence of Christ. That doesn't mean everything was easy - look no further than Job and read of his agony - but knowing the Lord made it all possible.

Without going into any specifics about my situation, here's some excerpts of affirmation I got that I think are good for just about anyone.

Keep your focus
Love fiercely
Be patient
You will hurt
It is not your responsibility
Stand strong.

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