Sunday, February 12, 2012

Une Proverbe

"Tu ne peux pas faire d'omelette sans casser les oeuves"

You can't make an omelet without breaking the eggs.

Perhaps I just want eggs, but this stuck with me today after church. Something went off in my head. You can't get better if you're not first broken. It was so simple, but so profound.

You'd never think twice about breaking an egg in order to make a delicious omelet. It's just part of the process. You have to do it if you want to eat the tasty item. But when we're broken in order to become better, stronger, more interesting, we question why. We don't want to see our own cracks, we don't want them to be filled in a better way - we just want to be whole. We don't even mind being the same, we just don't want to be broken.

But if we never cracked an egg, we'd never have omelets. And omelets are yummy.

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