Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Degguma Anglais (I Don't Speak English)

Several weeks ago, this incident would've been awkward. But today I was highly amused.

I went to a fruit stand near my house to buy some clementines, but it was a different man working. I greeted him and asked for mille franc ($2) de clementines. He said "Lan?" (What?"), and I repeated myself, and he said, "Anglais? Degumma anglais?" I found this hysterical because I was speaking French, but it was odd because a lot of Senegalese don't know the Wolof money system - I don't blame them, it's confusing!

Here's how to ask for 1,000CFA in Wolof:
derem = 5 CFA
temeer = 100 derem
naar = 2
2 times 100 derem= 200
200 derem times 5= 1,000 cfa (naari temeer)

Even though I could have told the man I wasn't speaking English, it wouldn't have done any good. Thank goodness for the patience of our Wolof teacher in our learning the money.

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