Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hi Mom

I mentioned at the end of that last post that I’ve been resting all day. I got home and was just really tired and not feeling that great. My host family was out, so I went to my room and chilled/slept/rested. All day. I kept saying at 3 I'll get 6...guess how well that went? Around 9pm or so someone knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to eat dinner. I said I was sick and didn’t want to. They were great and asked if I had medicine or wanted anything at all. Since I don’t actually think I’m sick, just wiped, I said I just needed time to rest.  One of my Senegalese friends upon learning I went to Sokone and not near Mbour said “Sokone laayliaaaaaa, that’s 20km from hell. No wonder you’re tired”. Although not “helpful” in a traditional sense, it did make me laugh.

However, this was part of my once a semester I just want my mom episode. Without fail, there comes one point where I’m either really sick or frustrated or tired or ___________ and I wish I were with my mother, who can make my sister go get me baked potato soup from the Machine Shed and watch hours of Gilmore Girls episodes we already have memorized and stroke my hair and make everything feel alright.  Which is all to say, moms are super great and I have a lot of respect for all the moms reading this right now.

Love you Mom. See you in 5 weeks J

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