The sophomore album by Kari jobe came out two months ago, and I am still listening to it almost daily. She was inspired by Jeremiah 29:13, which says: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Says Kari about the album, "I think there are times as believers when we feel entitled and that life shouldn’t be hard. We live in this culture of convenience that says we can do everything ourselves and find all the answers on Google,” Kari says. “But if we can learn to fall more in love with the Lord and trust Him in the middle of every storm, we build our endurance to keep running the race.”
I remember when I first came to Senegal, what I most looked forward to was things being easy. I realize that was the wrong way of thinking. I am now so appreciative for the way that God has been my light, source, and guide.
I again went to church in Dakar, Senegal this morning, and was again blown by the love, joy, and dedication of the church body. Today's sermon was about walking in the light of Jesus and no longer being tied down to darkness. I know that there are many people in that room who were once engaged in Islam and animism, and have come to know Jesus as Lord. Last week, there was a testimony of an elder who had once thought he could worship Christ and continue to put faith in his amulets, etc. He told of walking out of blindness, out of the darkness, and surrendering everything he was to the Lord.
This morning was also special because there was a dedication ceremony for baby Priscilla. This church believes in baptism by immersion, and so this was a brief rite for the community. The baby and her parents came up to the front of the church and the pastor spoke of community, of growing in the Lord. He asked the body if they were committed to praying for Priscilla and her spiritual growth, her experience of a relationship with Christ. Then the pastor held her and prayed over her. It was a beautiful thing to witness, especially because it was truly a sign of light shining in the darkness!
Being in fellowship has strengthened my own spiritual life, and has drawn me closer to God. I cherish the knowledge that no matter where I am, there are other believers searching the Scriptures and lifting their hearts to Jesus the same way I am. That's why God says that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole hearts. He's not confined to just one place; we don't need to journey to find Him. We just need to allow our eyes to be opened.

On our bed #2 in Kedougou: Psalm 87:7. As they make music, they will sing; all my fountains are in You

Waterfall: Isaiah 62. Verse 4: You shall no more be termed Forsaken,
and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.
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