Friday, March 9, 2012

Dafa Tang (It's Hot)

I have an amazing neighbor of a mystery age (people age really well here. our Islam teacher looks 35 at the most and is 53; this woman is probably in her 50s or 60s) who greets me every time she sees me, and loves asking about my different friends, my school work - everything, and all in Wolof of course. She's helped me learn and practice a lot of different phrases.

The other day, she told me "Kate, dafa tang", and I thought she was implying that it must be hot for me because I'm not used to African summer. So I tried to play it cool and said, "Waaw, tuuti" (yes, a little). She looked at me seriously and said, "Kate, c'est pas tuuti. Dafa tang torop" It's funny because I really don't think it's terribly hot. It's certainly getting warmer, but I'm not dying yet. Then today she saw me and said, "Oooooh sama waay dafa tang, dafa tang torop" (My friend, it's hot, it's too hot) and I just agreed.

I wonder what she'll say once it's consistently in the 100s!

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