Friday, March 2, 2012

Degg la (It's True)

Some facts:

Being sunburnt makes me tired which makes me want to just lay on the beach and lazy which leads to more sunburn and more tired and lazy. It's a vicious cycle.

Eating fish french fry salad with my hands with my whole family tonight felt like a tremendous blessing. Funny the things God uses to tell us He's here.

I'm reading Why We're Not Emergent by Two Guys Who Should Be (Kevin DeYoung and Ted Luck) and it is absolutely amazing. It almost sounds like something Eric Ludy could have written, but it's a little bit sassier. Sass, truth, faith, reason, joy, theology, hard line, funny stories, and more truth makes for a great read. I love reading books about post modernism/its effects on my generation when it comes to the church, and I love truth so it's a win for me.

My friend Katherine blessed me today with the recalling of a beautiful memory from just over a year and a half ago.

If you combine the albums Love is Making a Way (Sixteen Cities) and Where I Find You (Kari Jobe) it's all sorts of awesome.

Don't see the movie The Vow. Even though it's based off a true story, the totally rewrote half the plot and the ending of the story and it's lame. Read the book instead and bawl your eyes out.

Discussing colonial/post colonial literature with my sister's tutor last night was crazy awesome. Ugandan poetry, Things Fall Apart, and Senegalese negritude. Whoa.

We only have a few Peoples and Cultures classes left and all of us agreed that we really haven't learned much of anything, nor do we know how all of our alleged assessments and visits are going to get achieved.

Attaya. Pamplemousse. By Jove. Merp. Alxamdulilaay

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