Today was my last undergrad class and I'm glad to say it was with Matt Tedesco. He's been a fantastic professor and has made going to class a total joy. I'm also really glad Betsy and I took this class; I think I would have still enjoyed it if she hadn't been there, but it definitely enhanced my experience of it.
Today was also the last roundtable. I wrote a real sappy piece about how much I love Beloit and they included one of my favorite pictures of all time
BCXC Ladies 2011
I love this picture for a number of reasons. You wouldn't know it by looking, but it was actually 95 degrees outside that day and a million percent humidity. That is an exaggeration of course, but Quinn was found with heat stroke wandering around a bog with his shoes off, so it really was hot. Not only was it that hot, but this picture was taken POST RACE. Yeah, that's right. We all ran 3.1 miles as fast as we could and we look awesome. This was also the beginning of my favorite season of sports at Beloit. This was easily my favorite team to have been a part of, and by that I mean cross country '11. We all spent a lot of time together and enjoyed doing so and it never felt forced and my pv fam ladies were there and it was just really great. Then I disappeared for a year and my last sports team has been much less cool so I like remembering how good things can be instead.
I'm basically done with school. That has pretty much been the case since the 17th, but I'm kind of bored with it all at this point. Everyday being Friday is cool for awhile, and then you realize that Friday's only exciting when you actually went through Monday-Thursday first. It's also weird because most people still have a whole bunch of crap to do and I really don't.
I just got off the phone with my dad to discuss my coming home to get a hair cut this weekend before my second to last track meet. I have to pack up some stuff so that we don't have to deal with everything on May 12th. It has been brought to my attention that I never really told people that I'm moving after graduation. I got a job at Seattle Gymnastics Academy, coaching gymnastics and teaching preschoolers French. I'm really excited but of course a little nervous too. But mostly excited. What I'm most excited for is having one constant place. I spent all of college bouncing between school, home, cross-country internship, school, home, school, abroad, Beloit, internship, school; while I enjoyed that, each of those places carried with them very different boundaries and expectations and I think it will be nice to be able to relax into one identity for awhile.
So I'm going to go take a nap before I lazily attempt practice. My hamstring hurts and I should probably stop track now but I only have two meets left so I'm just going to suck it up. I don't care about pole vaulting right now, but I think if I quit now, I'd regret that choice in 10 years when I can't pole vault anymore so here we go.
Edit: I'm going to go to practice early so I don't have to deal with our crazy head coach and his time wasting mechanisms. I will stay until real practice time starts and do the warmup and then leave.
I also didn't nap. Instead, I looked up Seattle apartments and sent a million messages to Liztowne and I can't believe that somehow I am going to be a real person with a job and an apartment and I need to acquire a vehicle and transport my entire life across the country and I think I've figured out how to entertain myself until I graduate.
In case if any of my readers were looking to get me a graduation gift, that last paragraph should have some good hints. Just think about it, ok?
I love that picture and we'll figure it out and survive. we can just borrow chris' tent and hope to find a place before it gets too cold