Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm so fancy

This is red thai curry over brown rice, red and white quinoa. Elizabeth said it looked fancy. 

After my bout of illness/ennui, I woke up this morning alive and kicking. I don't know if it was the soup or rest or natural detox processing, but it felt so good to sleep through the night and wake up feeling GOOD and able to breathe (still a few residual sniffles, but no complaints). 

E said a lot of people experienced colds during the same time. Also, I was on my period, which according to Jordan, can also make you run a fever. Further, your period is naturally detoxifying so when you're on a cleanse and all the toxins are leaving your all makes sense and now I'm back in a place to be pro cleanse again. Only one day left! But no sugar for a full more week. 

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