Monday, July 1, 2013


Yesterday I was driving with someone from work; we carpooled to an event at the zoo where I made time and a half to hang out with kids and listen to a concert. Yeah, my job is that cool.

Anyway, as we were driving, we came over the top of the hill, and the view of the mountains was absolutely breathtaking. I asked, "Do you ever get used to that?" And Julie said,


She didn't even see them. She moved here from northern California 8 years ago.

I said, "The mountains! They are beautiful. I've seen them every day for the last four weeks and they still catch me off guard"

Julie replied, "I didn't even see them. Thanks for saying something; I should remember to look"

I want to always be taken away by the mountains and the skyline and everything around me that is so so beautiful. I want them to be like God, ever present, yet ever growing in inspiring my awe.

If I'm still here in 8 years, ask me how the mountains are.

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