Sunday, May 17, 2015

Psalm 139:9

If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea...

I'm now wondering if this psalm doesn't address patterns of iniquity laid out in Isaiah 14:13-14 The psalmist, here, sure seems to be describing escapism. It's a kind of forget it all approach; it's a hiding from reality by creating an alternative. I think there's something in all of us that would just love to get out. Flee the country. Live on a goat farm ;) But not matter where you go, there you are, as they say. The desire to escape may be rooted in fear, in discontentment, in any number of things. If you go hide on a mountain in Nepal, even though you claim to have made it out, those roots will still be there. It's far better to cut off the roots, to face them head on and accept the challenges they bring. You may find it brings you closer to God and truer happiness than you ever imagined.

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