Monday, November 29, 2010

A Re-introduction

God is so good! He knew that I would hear that song yesterday, and He gave me words to write. Then today, He knew I would receive and read Louie Giglio's book "I am Not But I Know I AM" and again, I can't not write about the things the Lord is teaching me.

Yesterday, when I answered the question "Who Am I?", I said, "I am Yours". But that was only the half of it. By saying that I am Christ's alone, I am saying that I am not me or mine. You see that? I am not. I was bought with a price, and the Holy Spirit has domain over my body.

The world is full of i am nots. That's every human that's ever walked the planet. Because God - the Creator - is the only I AM. When we realize that we are so very small, it shouldn't make us feel like we don't mean anything. Rather, in that smallness we should experience a chain of realizations. We are small. God is big. God is love. God loves us. We are not. God is I AM.

"True humility is not a sign of weakness, failure, or inability, but rather a sign that we are getting to know God and have glimpsed His glory". Think about it. When we let go of our pride, what we're really doing is acknowledging that the Lord dwarfs us. And when we come before Him and say, "I am not", that is when He can use us; He knows we'll be pointing all we say and do right back to Him and not to ourselves.

Now, we're going to go to one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. It is vastly underrated, but it's truer than a lot of other things in this world. I am not, but Lord, You Are

So, everyone, let me re-introduce myself: Hello, my name is i am not.

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14

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