Saturday, August 6, 2016

Beloit - Did you like it?

This week, my dear sister in Christ Abigail was killed in a tragic car accident, along with her fiance. There's not really a gentle or casual way to say it. I was shocked, I am sad, but I am also sure, sure that she is with Jesus, sure that I will see her again.

Yesterday, an incoming senior in high school considering Beloit asked me if I liked it. I've written before about how much I love and appreciate Beloit, but this week, the sentiment feels especially strong. Watching the Beloit community mourn Abigail and Darrell's deaths, and celebrate their lives is so striking, so beautiful, so warming.

Beloit is a place where you are known. While there are some anonymous beloiters, they are few and far between. I don't have the words to express what my heart feels for Beloit this week, but suffice it to say -

Yes. I liked it very much.

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