
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Respect Your Own Experiences

Dr. Joanne Terrell from Chicago Theological Seminary was the second speaker in the series I kicked off on John 14:6. She and I were theologically incompatible; I found much of what she said to be unbiblical and a twisting of text to fit a certain goal.

That being said, she said something at dinner that I found very meaningful.

Respect You Own Experiences

Appreciate what's happened to you, the good and the bad and the in between

Dare I say, euchariseto?

Respect where you came from, the road you took, the people who walked with you, and the place you are right now.

Respect the bumps on the path, the times you've fallen, the times you've been pushed, the dark clouds overhead, and the times you felt lost.

Respect the hands that steadied you, the grace you received to carry on, and the transformative power of life's lessons.

Respect what you know and what you don't.

Respect your failures and your mistakes and everyone who's told you no.

Respect your successes and your blessed accidents.

Respect who you were, are and are becoming.

Respect your own experiences, because they are the only ones you have.

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