
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Almost Break

I finished the only thing I had to do that could possibly be mistaken for a midterm. I don't know why, but I rarely have to take real midterms. Two weeks ago, I had an exam? That almost counts, right? Thanks to #lockdown2013 I finished all my other homework already so I'm going to coast through the next few days.

I canceled my thesis advising meeting because I don't think it would be that helpful right now and I don't want to waste my very busy professors' time.

Friday, we find out who will be speaking at graduation. Betsy and I talked about it, and at this point, regardless of whether or not we win, it was a good thing for us to do. We got to talk about how we felt about Beloit a whole lot and what it's meant to go through life together. And, if we don't win, we're just going to throw our own little party and give the speech to our friends. Good plan, right?

And then, it's spring break. I'm pretty excited for this one, and have begun prepping by doing important things like checking the weather forecast, making a packing list, and buying lifesavers for the flight.

I wish I could just go ahead and skip the next three days of classes but unfortunately life doesn't work that way.

I also feel like a jerk because everyone's really stressed and I'm not at all. That's not my fault, though, I guess.

Almost break, emphasis on the almost