
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trust Runs

Alternative title: Why it's necessary to pay attention to the person in front of you

Today, we had a really fantastic outside run...outside is important because it has been too cold for us to go outside all week, and we were all of 3 degrees over the minimum, so it was feeling nice and warm.

In any event, it involved some creek-ing and windy paths, large parts of which require a single-file arrangement. This means that you are following someone along the trail, where there is ice and turns and holes and rocks and a bunch of other hazards. I was following Betsy. Since I cannot see the terrain in front of me, only her, I have to pay attention to what she's doing. Is she jumping over stuff? Tucking over left or right?

Another part of this adventure means that you basically have to run right behind the person in order for it to be useful. You also should not attempt to pass them, but you do need to keep moving.

It's like walking with the Lord. He's in front of you, and He will guide you into security as long as you continue to step out in faith and trust Him for your next step.

That was sort of lame. This is what happens when you write your blog post in your head while on a run in 12 degree weather.

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