
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Morning Struggle Bus

I usually love Sunday mornings because I get to wake up and have a relaxed long run and shower and eat breakfast and then go to church at the leisurely time of 10:10. I also usually go to bed around 8 on Saturdays after track meets.

Well, today and last night were none of those things. I actually socialized last night, even though I did more at the track meet than I usually do...and I'm on worship team this week, which means departure time was 8:15, which doesn't seem that early at midnight, but at 7:05 when you really really do not want to get out of bed, it is definitely early. So I skipped the run and breakfast at commons and bi-passed straight to the coffee. I made a potent cup with my French press, and then at 8:02 decided that wasn't going to be enough, and I dumped two packets of via in a portable container and added water. In a surprising turn of events, there was actually ice in the freezer downstairs, and I used it. Of course, I forgot the coffee as I was walking out the door and didn't realize it until I was at church. Boo.

I got to church on time, though, and we had a great time practicing. I like that we get to start worship early, because even the practice is a time of worship. Since I'm not in choir, I had some downtime before the service started, and I had a chance to read some more Bible, which I had sort of rushed through while trying to get ready.

This was my first time being part of such a large mixed worship group. We had two lead vocalists, two violinists, a flutist, a pianist, and a drummer. I really enjoyed it, and am looking forward to learning from them (most of the others have been worship leading much longer than I have!), and whatever the Lord might show me through this.

But in any event, it's just going to be a tired kind of day. I really haven't felt 100% awake yet...good thing tomorrow's Monday and I don't have anywhere to be until 10.

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