
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Restore, Balance

Here are two short ones for you today.

10/14 6am power w/Teddy

Restore. I am probably an insane person for even thinking this, but even hot power yoga can be such a restorative place. Even though it does work your physical body, I don't think of it as a "workout" or "exercise" necessarily. To me, it's more of a return to wholeness, a rest. I especially like the 6ams for this; I feel like I'm waking up to myself as I should be. Awhile ago, I read Gospel Wakefulness, and it was about this same idea: mercies are new every morning - it's on us to become aware of them.

10/14 noon power w/Elvis

Balance. You'd think after years of balance beam, balancing postures would be nothing. But they take focus and engagement every time. I like the challenge of them, though, because if you take yourself out of the present, you totally lose it. Tree, eagle, warrior 3 - they're all beautiful ways to check in with yourself.

let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12 

In case you were wondering, yes, I do have an assistant. 

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