
Friday, October 30, 2015

Life, Breath, Breath

10/29 7:45pm power w/Josh

Life. Tonight, encouraged by Thang's help in dancer/candy cane, and Whitney's bikram class today, I put more trust in my body and my postures. I let myself look back more, kick a little harder, move a little closer. In crescent moon, I cactused my arms and actually let my head drop back. I saw the back wall and then my back foot. It felt insane, and a little disorienting. But I breathe into it and realized how freeing it can be to let life happen around me as I hold still. In that bend, I wasn't worried about where I was going or what might be coming next; I just trusted that right now held all I needed to be. Beloved, did you know that right now, God loves you? Did you know that He is bringing a good work to completion in you? (Philippians 1:6). Did you know that He has had all your days written from the foundations of the earth? (Psalm 139:16). What then do you have left to worry about? What is there to fear? Jesus upholds the entire universe by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). Will He not also uphold your very life? 

10/30 6am power w/ Josh 

Breath. Focusing on breath really does make a difference in my practice. I would feel myself wandering, but when I remembered "breath", I came right back. Breath and life are so linked - without breath there would be no life. We can manipulate our breath but if we stopped altogether, we couldn't live. Breath is also one of God's first, most intimate connections to mankind; He breathed Adam out of the dust. At our very core, we are made from the breath of God. And through the Bible, His very word, He continues to breathe life into us every day we live in Him. 

Thus says the Lord God to these bones: behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord. 
Ezekiel 37:5-6 

10/30 noon series 48 w/Whitney at District 

Breath. I'll say it again: my mind is blown by what happens through bikram postures and sequencing. I'm exploring new movements in my body and constantly being surprised by myself and those around me. In bikram, there are two really weird breathing exercises but beyond that there's no focus on the breath. It's so different from vinyasa in that way. But as I said above, if you don't breathe, you don't have life. So as I sat in the hot room, in uncomfortable  places, I breathed into the space and remembered the Giver of that breath. 

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