
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Is this hard? Stillness, I know Him, Open

10/19 7:45pm power w/Elvis

Am I allowed to say I don't feel like writing about this class? #write31das. That's why it's called a challenge. People said this class was really hard. I didn't think it was anything stand-out. I don't think I have a good perception of hard. Usually when it's hard, I just think it's more fun. Here's a quote form my (Eastern European) coworker:

The problem with Americans is they just want to have fun. Me? I think hard work is fun

10/19 9pm yin w/Devyn

Stillness. Today, I reflected on this quote

On the journey from belief to experience, it takes more effort to be still than to run. Most of us live such a frenetic lifestyle that we are afraid of stillness, silence and solitude. A certain existential panic can overtake us when we first face the stillness, but if we can find the courage to embrace it, we enter into the peace that is beyond all understanding. Brenan Manning

He's talking about the difference between believing in Jesus Christ and actually experiencing the joy, peace and security of the Christian life. We get so busy trying to do more and be more and impress others that never sit down and live the promise we have in Christ. What would happen if you sat completely still for ten minutes? What might you hear? And how could you tune out everything but Jesus? What would He have for you? Maybe, just maybe, you would hear, 

It is finished. 

10/20 6am power w/Morgan 

I know Him whom I have believed. This intention was inspired by 2 Timothy 1:12. Morgan's class felt so grounding today, a return to my roots. It always brings me back: what is true? What do I believe? Who is Jesus? Where is He? I know Him. God is not far off; He is ever-present, my refuge and my hope. I know Him, and He knows me. Today, lets this be enough. 

10/20 noon power w/Elvis 

Open. I came home from class today to find my roommate, who asked how I was. I said awesome and she asked why. I told her we did a back bending class. I love backbends. They make me feel so opened up, like anything is possible. They're just crazy enough to feel awesome, but not so crazy that they're out of reach. This, too, is the risk and reward of the Christian life. The gospel if you look at it, is a little insane. God becomes man and dies and lives? We get His life because He took our death? But it's the most freeing insanity in the world. Open up, let the glory of God be seen in your world, your life.

ps. 51 classes this month

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