
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Go with the flow, Good enough, Receive

10/18 7:50am home practice

Go with the flow. I got to the studio this morning and was informed that the 8am class canceled. While mildly disappointed, I wasn't devastted. I drove home and without thinking about it, created an intentional home practice environment. I moved furniture and rolled out my mat. I dropped in on myself and cultivated breath. And then I started moving. Basics first, because I love a strong foundation. And then, I just listened to myself. I wasn't thinking about what I should be doing or look like, I just let myself go and went with whatever seemed to be happening next. I'm really thankful this morning for my hymns and T-swift flow. Setting the tone can be important in our other practices - how many times have you been frustrated about your lack of depth in your relationship with Jesus? How do you try to meet Him? I sit in the chair in my room or the kitchen table with my journal, Bible and cup of tea. There aren't any distractions and it signals my heart that it's time to be quiet. Create your flow, and go with it.

10/18 noon power w/Morgan Zion

Good enough. First off, let me say that I love Morgan's class. It's fun and playful and bold and adventurous. The first time I ever took her class, it was at 6am, and she encouraged us to set our intention as "kick ass". So she's an obvious hoot. Today, though, her theme deeply conflicted with the biblical worldview I have come to own. She wanted us to know that we'r good enough, perfect the way we are. I had come right from church where Pastor Andrew preached the fall. The whole point of the gospel is that you and I aren't good enough. We're sick, and more than that, we're dead. When Eve chose to eat the fruit, she didn't even know what she was getting herself into. No one had died yet; she couldn't have known what death even meant. And it turns out, the worst death is more than physical, it's spiritual: separation from your Maker forever. And if it were up to us, that's where we'd stay.

Andrew paraphrased John 3:16 in a really helpful way today - God so loved all that was organized against Him so much that He sent His Son to redeem it. The world is a system of forces working against the God of the universe, and if you love the world you are at enmity with Him. But praise God because while we were still dead in our sin, Christ died for us. He was good enough to stand in our place and drink the cup of wrath we deserved. And so today, I stand in full knowledge that I am not nor will I ever be, good enough. But because God is merciful and gracious, the one who is good enough will represent me before the throne above.


10/18 5:15pm power w/Debbie

Receive. This was one of Debbie's favorite words for class tonight. I don't have much to say, so I'm just going to leave this here:

For form his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16 

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