
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Come, Towards

10/28 6am power w/ Teddy

Come. I was super tired today. I was also really feeling last night's adult gym - so many presses. But Teddy's class always makes me feel so good on Wednesday mornings. Every posture, every movement became a a little easier and more natural as class went on. I felt like a returning to myself, to wholeness, to freedom. Jesus invites each one of us to come and find all this - our whole self in Him.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 

Come everyone who thirsts, come to the waters and he who has no money, come buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1 

10/28 noon power w/Elvis

Towards. I spent my morning before work reading Jefferson Bethke's It's Not What You Think.  It really breathed life inside my soul. It's such a beautiful book. It talks about how all of human history is moving toward redemption - we're going forward to future grace, but it's all really a return to created order, the way the world is supposed to be. Jesus is always coming toward us and leading us to where He's already been .

God is forever taking one more step toward us, and every time he reveals himself, it's in a less guarded way. He wants to make himself known, and to do that he makes himself vulnerable. The other gods seem high and mighty and untouchable. They leave us to move first, to initiate, to appease them. But his God, Jesus, says, 'No. I'll go first. I'll lean in. I'll risk being hurt. I'll come down to you.'"

The Lord is stepping toward us, and constantly inviting us to come back toward Him. Moving forward isn't scary because it's a return to who we were always meant to be

All of creation God spoke into existence but with us it says we were formed. God got particular and creative with us human creatures. He rolled up his sleeves when he made us and declared us to be imago dei. Image of God. He did not call us broken, sinner or failure. Which means our primal identity (the one most at the depths of who we are - in our very bones) is one given by the Creator himself. We are his" 

This is what I brought to my mat today: A moving forward and a stepping back. A remembering of the Jesus who is always moving toward me, and that we are in a world always running toward redemption.

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