
Monday, October 5, 2015

Blah, unity

I'm still planning on two more classes today, but there's no way I'm writing after a 9pm yin class, so you'll just have to wait until tomorrow for that. 

10/5 6am Power w/Elvis 

Today happened. I wasn't tight or tired, the sequence wasn't uninteresting or lame, I just wasn't present. I had a hard time connecting to my breath and my self. It's ok to admit that not every practice is magical, just like it's ok not to have some big moment with God every time you read your Bible or play. It's ok, as long as you know that God is present in the blah. He won't leave you there forever. And if you continue to pursue Him in the blah, how much more will He meet you in the bliss? Be faithful to yourself by being faithful to your God. He is always faithful. 

10/5 Noon power w/Devyn 

Our instructors don't talk about what they're doing, and yet, classes often fit together. Elvis this morning did L sits. Devyn did L sits, tuck presses, and jump through a. It's fun to watch things happen like this when people are in sync and paying attention to their world and their communities. God uses this in His church and His people. I have often stood back amazed at what the Holy Spirit can do in the life of believers. Unity is a beautiful thing. It helps us see connections both in the world and beyond it. 

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