
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I took a ballet class and ended up a yogi

I took my first ballet class one year ago. I was in love instantly. It was the highlight of my week, and I quickly started figuring out how to get in more time at the barre. I watched YouTube videos of full sequences and classes, read books about the history of ballet, memoirs, everything I could get my hands on. My intro class finished and I was told the intermediate/advanced class would be a fine fit for me. 

I was terrified. I had watched that class and now I was going to be in it? The first day, I was so anxious. But as it turns out, Miss Annie is one of the best teachers I've ever had. She put me in the middle of the barre so I would have someone to follow on each side. She encouraged. She pushed. She challenged. She created an environment where everyone in class felt connected to each other. We asked for and gave help. I struggled through the petite allegro - fast quick movements - but in the grande, I was noticed for the height and range of motion on my jumps. I was so sore sometimes I didn't know how I was going to walk. My teacher found out I wasn't just recovering from an injury or a long time off, and was shocked to learn I was just starting out. I finally got through a class where I went the right way at the right time and didn't miss any steps. She pushed me. She said she knew I could be better than I thought I could. And I loved her. And ballet. 

Unfortunately, my back did not. I have an old injury from cheerleading and a history of overtraining so sometimes my back gets mad. I finally made an appointment and found pinched nerves and scar tissue surrounding my hips and spine. I went to a chiropractor three times a week, then two, then one. Although I tried ballet again, I realized it really just was not good for my body. I now settle for the PNB, for documentaries and for the memoirs. 

I started taking a yoga class the same week I found out about the hot mess that was my back. The instructor told me to invert. Legs up the wall. Shoulder stand. Headstand. And it helped take the pressure off the nerves in my spine. Finally, I felt relief. I started taking two classes a week instead of one. I was still cycling and doing TRX multiple times a day, but it was Friday afternoon deep dynamic yoga that held my deepest affections. 

When I had to miss that class to substitute teach in a preschool classroom, I pushed back. I found another studio near my home with a Friday 6am class and a great intro special. I used all ten classes as quickly as I could and bought twenty more. And twenty more. My first yoga instructor moved away, and although I liked his replacement, she wasn't the same. And then, I dropped the cycling and the TRX and went unlimited at the yoga studio. I take class usually twice, sometimes three times a day. I practice at home. I am constantly discovering new things and I am so happy. 

I miss ballet, in a way, but today, I am thankful that I was brave enough to take that ballet class, to do something creative and different and new. Because without ballet, I wouldn't have yoga. 

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