
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

On how learning helps me teach

Tonight, I'm here, thinking about how my yoga practice makes me a better teacher and coach. The more I'm on my mat, the better I feel about being on the floor. It helps me see things in a new light. It gives me perspective. Unleashes my creativity. I learn from my teachers. I get ideas for moves that will help my kids, but also new cueing, because when you've been saying the same things the same way for years, changing a word or two can make a big difference. 

When I'm challenging myself, I can challenge them. I can know they're capable of more, because I'm discovering I am capable of more. I can help them sit in discomfort, because I'm consistently making myself uncomfortable. I can read them because I'm reading myself. I can tell them that falling is better than not trying because I am living it. And when I'm surprising myself, I find myself more open to being surprised by my kids. My practice grounds me and brings forth gratitude. And this frees me to me an encourager, a strengthener, a holder, a notice, and hopefully, an inspiration. 

{I am clearly on a coaching yoga high right now. I am not always this psyched on life. But today, I am, and I'm embracing it} 

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