
Sunday, February 22, 2015

In conclusion

The last supper: rawesome tacos 

Tonight, the cleanse ends. I'm not sure if this post will really add anything new, but here it goes anyway. 

Overall, I will say this cleanse has been a positive experience. I got an energy boost, slept better (besides the cold, and my skin looks nice. I discovered some new recipes and learned even more about food and my body. That middle part was rough but week 1 and a half and today and yesterday were so good that I think it's ok to call that part of the process, accept it and move on. I do feel refreshed and "rebooted" so to speak. 

What am I taking with me? I've felt so good that I'd have to be silly not to keep some of these positive changes around. Here goes some goals. 

Caffeine: I am going to stick with mostly herbal teas, however I do plan on enjoying a weekly cup of coffee with coconut oil and the occasional bit of dark chocolate. Dandelion root tea rocked my world. 

Sugar: Donuts are going to be out during Lent, and then aiming to make them occasional treats. I like Elizabeth's idea of trying to stick to mainly unrefined sugars. It's so fun to see what you can do with sucanat/coconut sugar/maple syrup/molasses etc. 

Gluten: I learned I can live without toast. I'm going to be experimenting more with gluten free baking and not defaulting to bread. 

Herbs: I want to eat these more regularly! Basil, cilantro, parsley - so easy to add to smoothies and pretty much any kind of meal, and so delicious and beneficial

Citrus: I am still not completely sold out to citrus in everything, but I can see their point. 

Smoothies: I made a smoothie for tomorrow! I'm going to get back on the smoothie train I think. I don't hate making them with water, and in a house with various schedules, it's convenient to make them the night before. 

Meals: I can be more creative here. I'm definitely keeping some of the cleanse recipes close. I also learned it's not that hard to be consistent and just prep and get things ready. I was sort of already doing this with my greens book, but I like making a meal plan, a grocery list and knocking the prep work out. 

Snacks: I'm probably going to do peanut butter again. I've loved making my own larabars. Can't wait to eat hummus again. Hooray for pumpkin seeds. Back on the avocado life. Green apples are not as good as honey crisp. Chia pudding is the bomb. Coconut is super useful to keep on hand. And berries. Yum yum. Granola tastes better with maple syrup (1 more week!) Basically, there are a lot of great snack options out there, even for low sugar vegans :) 

Treats: Elizabeth had a good thought on treats - that they don't have to be sugar or dessert - they can be a nice larabar or a thrive smoothie or a jujubeet juice or a power yoga session or a walk in the sun or a sparkling/infused water or a bunch of rainbow carrots or a cookbook meal made just for fun. 

Example: sliced apples with cinnamon and almond butter. 

Rhythms: I liked the pattern to the day, of thinking about what I would eat when, based on my schedule for the day, how often/intensely I was exercising, what I was feeling. Mostly just listening to my body more and more. 

Jesus: I love Him more. I love seeing Him more clearly. I love seeing how God has made me and has provided all I need to be happy, healthy, holy and fully His. I definitely think Christians should be good stewards of the bodies The Lord has given us, to make us more fit for His service and more ready to see Him and glorify Him in our lives and in our world. 
So, I think that's it. I'm hoping I can stay more or less to the guidelines I've set out. Theoretically, it will mean I'm not going to want to do another cleanse. I've done the experiment, and I don't have a desire to compare and contrast. However, if I ever feel like I need another kick start, I'll know how to get there. 

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