
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Good Riddance, Week 2

At first, I didn't think week two was so bad; the cleanse guide warns about it and Elizabeth and I had talked quite a bit about it. Then, the end of week two came. I guess it started Friday - just have a little harder time at the workout. Then there was yesterday...I still don't know what that was. And there was today - tired at my workout, and after a busy morning, I felt tired too, which I hadn't really felt since giving up refined sugar last month. I didn't take a nap, though. I went on a walk to U-Village and found denim shorts in my size on sale for less than $4! Wahooo. It's been so warm already, that we're all getting apprehensive about summer. Anyway, today's the end of the anti-legume, anti-grain life, and  I'm glad to be moving on.

Last night and this morning I was harboring some resentment. I've had it for awhile, actually; I've just been counting this small injustices done against me and holding onto my hurts. I prayed about it seriously for the first time this week - we like holding onto these things, it turns out. I saw how ugly it really is, and prayed for Jesus to help me. This morning, as we prayed over our communion time, I felt Jesus asking me to leave my bitterness at His table and find healing. I did that, and I took the bread and the wine and gave thanks for this freedom. I came home and served my heart out, set free indeed.

Also last night, I had a stress dream (I had 4 million things to do and found out tricycle was starting 4am classes so obviously I needed to go) and woke up on fire. By 2:30pm I had cleaned my room, bathroom and hallway (including vacuuming, doing and folding my laundry, scrubbing the sink, shower and toilet), worked out, done more than one load of dishes, gone to church and made morning tonic ice cubes and lunch/dinners for two people for the week. Elizabeth came home when I was finishing up the third recipe and asked what else we had on our to - do list, and she was stuck with dishes :) I think I will be glad to return to my more normal routine post cleanse. It was fun shopping and cooking with Elizabeth, but we have very different approaches to getting things done and I just don't think it would work very well long term.

Oh, and I forgot to say this at the beginning of the cleanse, but I weighed myself day 1, and then again just Saturday. I wasn't trying to lose weight, like a lot of cleanse people are, so I'm glad to report I'm only down a couple pounds, which could very well be normal fluctuation. Cheers.

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