
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cleanse Crazy

The point of keeping tabs on this cleanse is document the good, the bad and the weird, right?
Here comes a few observations.

During the second week of the cleanse, athletes and intense exercisers are advised to slow down or repeat another week instead, because of the week's intensity (If I listed the things we can't have, it would be too long; I'll say instead that we are eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and drinking water, nut milks and herbal tea). I have mostly ignored this advice. Today I did TRX at 6, and then cycle fit at 8:30. During cyclefit, I worked in much higher gears than usual (usually my easy is a 10, moderate a 13, race a 16 and then I might get up to 20 when it's a hill. today it was more like 12, 14, 17-18, and I hung on to a 22). My RPMs (number of revolutions) was much higher which is why I added gear ( in a seated race pace, we try to work between 95 and 105, and I was finding myself around 115), and my watts (the power you're generating) were one hundred higher than I can usually get to. AND on top of all this, it felt easier. No joke. I was still able to accept most of the instructor's floor work challenges and even come up with some of my own. Elizabeth and I are interested to see what will happen on Friday when I do the same class more at the end of week 2.

Next up, creativity. This is part of the weird, ok? I don't know what it is, but I'm finding myself thinking a lot differently about a lot of things lately. It might be cleanse clarity. It might be the fact that I'm turning every book of the Bible into a haiku. It might be the yoga. Or a combination. But it's tripping me out. I've never been one of those artsy creative types so it feels bizarre to me. I've been writing a lot more prose, playing more with music, coming up with new ideas at the gym...maybe others have had a similar experience? I don't know. I might try to see what I can dig up online (aka dear Elizabeth: any ideas?)

Last week, on any given day, if you'd asked me if I was going to do the cleanse again, I would have said no. Yes, I felt (and still feel) awesome. Yes, there are some changes that I would like to keep or at least keep the spirit of. But did I want to do this again? mmm no thanks. Today, the thought that I might be able to do this again crept in. I thought about a next time that may or may not ever happen. But. It's no longer a never. This is weird because last week was the easier week, and now with the harder week I'm thinking I could do it again.

I guess I'm just a weirdo.

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