
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Blog Blog

Writing so much about food and whatnot and writing every day in general has the side effect of me either not writing quality posts or me just not sharing more of my observations on a slightly wider variety of subjects. Sorry. After February, I will hopefully return to a more typical blogging schedule.

To catch you up on things I'm reading, thinking, etc, I have this post. It's not going to be very well put together, but we will hit the basics.

First off, I went quite a stretch even after the holidays where I didn't pick up my guitar much at all. Then one day I was reading the Bible and maybe something else, and I didn't have any other response but to worship Jesus. Since then, I've re-incorporated regular personal worship into my daily life. I've played my own worship sets every day for over a week now. It really is important to me, and I'm thankful for the grace to practice it.

Next. I believe I mentioned I'm re-reading Confessions. Here's a quote and an observation -

Thou are at hand, and deliverest us from our wretched wanderings, and placest us unto Thy way and dost comfort us, and say, 'Run; I will carry you; I will bring you through'; there also, 'I will carry you'"

Augustine's relationship with God had such incredible depth. He had immense understanding of self, and of the Lord. It's just so incredible to read of. So thankful for the saints like him, and the Jesus who rescued them.

I've also been reading a daily prayer book by Scotty Smith. Here's a quote from prayer I want to live.

I don't want to keep a record of annoying things done around me or to me. I don't want to put every intentional or unintentional slight or passive-aggressive comment on my iPod and then push the replay button. No good can come from that. In fact, Jesus, I ask you to keep me far more aware of when I'm the one being unnecessarily annoying or irritating to others. Convict me when my sense of humor leads to someone else's harm. Help me to steward my words, body language, and 'freedoms'. Jesus, hep me give others fewer reasons to need this prayer when they're around me. I pray in your loving and kind name. Amen. 

That's exactly the kind of prayer God is faithful to answer. Convicted yet?

Moving on. I've put together 17 consecutive days of yoga. Today I did it twice, spending two hours of my day practicing. I guess now's a good time to talk about resolutions too. I've basically replaced my usual tv time with yoga and/or extra readings of whatever book of the Bible I'm currently in. I've gone out way less, sometimes 0 times in the week. And I think we know how sugar's going. I've also had a lot of times where I've felt the Holy Spirit's prodding to live that life laid down, but I also know I have a LONG ways to go. My yoga teacher shared this quote - "The pose begins when you want to get out of it" - and I think the same idea can be applied to pressing deeply into Jesus, conviction of sin, and sanctification. I think the real hesed will start when I really want to avoid it.

In this next season, I'm going to be serving at church fewer times, but more intensively when I do serve. I used to volunteer in kids every other week - once teaching, once assisting. Now, I serve every three weeks, but when I do serve, I'm leading. It feels like kind of a big step, but I do love it. It has its own challenges, but the kids are mostly very good and getting them to enjoy learning the Bible, singing and praying together, and even savoring their friends as family in Christ, that is such a joy and reward.

Now that we're more or less caught up, I'll leave you with this brief thought I wrote a few days ago in my journal

I feel like God is meeting me in continuously new ways. I'm coming alive, and alive to Him. It's a beautiful, indescribable thing. 

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