
Friday, February 6, 2015

Answering the cleanse crisis

This is my response to yesterday's questions. I will probably disregard the last one, as it was not actually serious and was included mainly for dramatic effect.

Why am I doing this?
Does it even matter? 
What are recipes? 
What is my life?

1) The main reason I'm doing the cleanse is because Elizabeth asked/suggested that I do it. However, I don't think that's a good enough reason, because if there hadn't been something else, I wouldn't have said yes. I just don't think I'm that supportive. I will admit, having watched E do the cleanse 3? 4? times, I was a little cleanse curious. I don't have a goal to lose weight or anything like that, but I just wanted to see what could happen. I also enjoy structure (hence the veganism) and challenges (hello no sugar). So maybe I can frame it as an experiment? 

2) Maybe. Maybe not. I realized the other day that I hadn't felt tired in quite some time. That's a great side effect to have, however I don't think it could be the lack of caffeine already and definitely not some of the other changes. However, I do think the cut back on sugar and tv watching and establishing a routine of slowing down (through yoga, tea, and the change your mind Bible reading) has greatly improved the quality of my rest. I'm already having this dilemma thinking about what happens in 2 1/2 weeks - I feel so great right now, that it would be truly stupid, even arrogant, to return to how I was eating and living. Now that I know better, can I really go back? I'm thinking I might try doing donuts once or twice a month, and coffee at most four times a week and see if that's an ok compromise. Making refined sugar an occasional instead of a given. Things like that. It's supposed to take 28 days or whatever to get used to big changes? Coincidence that that's how long the sugar stays off limits? I think not. 

3) Although I like structure, I really don't like being told what to do. The meal plan to me feels stifling, and I prefer following the cleanse rules but mostly doing my own thing. I like using the meal plan as suggestions rather than rules. I do think I will use some of the recipes post cleanse, though. Further, I also mostly eat the same thing for weeks on end until I get bored and change it, so trying new things can be good for me. For a little bit. Then I just want to go back into my food hole and eat whatever I want (which is quinoa or brown rice, black beans or red lentils, something green, some other vegetable and hemp or chia seeds with olive oil, salt and pepper. I habitually eat this for lunch every day. True story). 

4) Like I said, I feel good right now. Any other questions or observations are welcome. 

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