
Saturday, January 31, 2015

31 - non fruit sugar is done

Today, I thought we'd check in with Elizabeth again. She made delicious jam dot cookies, and we also went to PCC where I got a chick chocolate cookie that possibly had a tiny bit of sugar (in the semisweet chocolate chips) but was mostly sweetened with maple syrup and dates. Elizabeth said it wasn't cheating so I went for it. Anyway, Elizabeth has a lot of thoughts on cookies.

Q: What did you bake today?
E: Some breakfast cookies. Feel free to link to the recipe. 
Added later: You can see they're not cookies. They're liked baked oatmeal pieces.
Q: Do you consider them to be real cookies?
E: No way. That's why they're called breakfast cookies. Real cookies are different.

Q: Please define "cookie"
E: As I said, cookies are dessert. They are delicious and I don't know...have sugar in them. Refined or not, doesn't matter.

Q: Describe the different cookie options at PCC
E: Well. There's the regular cookies which I have not taste but mocha chip sounds delicious. Then there's the vegan cookies, which are also pretty good, especially the ginger snap. And the chocolate chip. And then there's the chickpea chocolate cookie, which tastes like something I would make at home but not something I would go out and buy because it does not taste like a real cookie.

Q: Final thoughts on cookies?
E: I miss them. Sigh.

Beyond that, tomorrow starts a new challenge, and then Monday begins the cleanse. We had a great time shopping together for everything we need. I also made sure we got the best celery around, don't worry.

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