
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Today I realized how many people are seeing how terrible sugar really is - and doing something about it! I have a few community group people who are doing a sugar detox right now, and one of the preschool teachers at the gym is getting started now too! It's fun listening to everyone's experiences, and how they differ. Teacher Rachel also recently watched Fed Up, and Teacher Julie wants to. Kathi said she doesn't really feel that different, but she also doesn't eat gluten or dairy, and never ate too much sugar anyway. Rachel is interested to see how it will go for her. I have begun adding an asterisk to my experience because I was reading about what happens when you first start going to a chiropractor, and I've also just started yoga. As I've shared here before, it's hard to point specifically at any one thing.

Going back to yoga, one of my mom friends at church this weekend (yeah, I'm young, single, and I have mom friends. Deal with it. Jordan says I am a mom I just don't have a kid) said she likes doing yoga at home and we were talking about it, and how I also go to classes. She asked me if it "ever got weird", which is Christian speak for "blasphemous" "heretical", etc. I said not really, and I shared how it's brought me closer to Jesus. Well today we did a meditation on a word or maybe two words (elizabeth help) - so hum? And it means something like I am all that is? Anyway, instead I used my meditation to think about when God revealed His name is Moses in Exodus 3, and He says I AM who I AM. So I think for me as a Christian, it's important to be grounded in the truth of who God is, who I am, and what the Bible says. Otherwise, yes, it might be easily to be "taken captive by vain philosophies" (Colossians 2:8).

Mostly I just really love Jesus. I was thinking about that on the way home tonight. It doesn't matter if I'm at yoga or sitting at home or driving in the car or eating dinner with Christians or not or whatever, I still love Jesus. It's my prayer that the way in which I approach all these things reflect that.


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