
Saturday, January 24, 2015

24 - Who needs sugar anyway?

This morning, I woke up around 3 totally convinced my alarm (set for 6:15 for pre work Bible reading and yoga session) was going off any minute. Since I sleep with my phone outside my room, I eventually succumbed to the desire to check what time it was. I was surprised to find out I was a few hours early. I slept until 5 when I once again awake ready for the world and unable to go back to sleep.

This was great, though, because I took a longer yoga session and really leaned into Exodus and some more from Confessions (why do I love this book so much? I've only read it a million times). And then I walked to work, where I had a great day with the babies. Typical.

I came home from work and hung out with my favorite roommate. I just love her. Then she had to go to work (BOOOOOO) so I decided to tackle my prep list for the week.

I roasted beets and sweet potatoes, then cut and stored them

I baked super healing muffins and stored them in the freezer

I made another recipe from my beloved greens book - Focaccia with tomato and zucchini

I roasted rainbow carrots for snack

I prepped dinner - brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions and hummus over half a sweet potato (yeah, small dinner, but I'd been sampling liberally from my stock all afternoon).

I made E a plate

And I did so many dishes today. And they're still not all done.

Jordan's (sort of, not sure what their status is at the moment, on again off again ???) boyfriend (?) said he's never seen anyone make food quite like me before. He said it wasn't a bad thing, but he also seemed skeptical.

So, why did I wake up so zazzy this morning? Was it the lack of refined sugar? Was it the AMAZING recovery smoothie (I'm not even sore, and I was sore last night already from yoga and cycle fit)? Who knows? Regardless, eating better, exercising and sleeping better all seem related in my life.

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