
Friday, October 17, 2014

Thankful for the church

Remembering Jesus this month has helped me be more thankful for what He's done for His people on a human to human relational level.

I babysit for a young family. Married 7 (8?) years. A daughter, almost 6, a son, 4, and another daughter almost 2 1/2. They are members of my church, but they also take classes at the gym. So I know them well.

They asked me several months back if I'd ever babysit for date nights. Since then, I've been a regular in their home and have gotten to know them. I have LOVED seeing their kids grow and change, and they are an awesome example of how to prioritize your marriage and family. But beyond that, they're not just another family who pays me to hang out with their kids, and I'm not just another babysitter. We spend intentional time talking, sharing prayer requests, taking interest in each other, and encouraging each other from the Word.

I love that even though we're a decade apart and in completely different seasons, we have everything in common because we have Jesus in common.

So I'm thankful.

PS I already have my November gratitude challenge lined up and I can hardly wait to share it! Here's a hint: grace.

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