
Saturday, October 11, 2014

11 Days of Blogging

I haven't blogged every day like this since I was doing life in Senegal. Then, every moment was a new experience. Ordinary things were made extraordinary, and I had a lot about which to think and talk all the time.

During this challenge, I think it's appropriate that I'm reading Ordinary by Michael Horton, a book on how God uses ordinary means of grace in our lives to communicate His extraordinary presence in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I've been going back to basics: Who is Jesus? Why does it matter? It's been refreshing me to simply remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.

Beyond the spiritual practice, I'm also enjoying the discipline of daily writing. Although I'm a lifelong journaler, often my entries contain few of my own words, or they are jotted down without much structure or thought. By writing a blog post, even if only a handful of people read it, I am forced to write for people who don't just know what I'm thinking. I have to actually communicate it in a way that will make sense to them (aka you).

Of course, I don't think I can blog every day forever; however, I do think it would be good to aim for 3-4 times a week. Let's see how I feel once the challenge is complete :)

Until then, it's just another Saturday night reading puritan theology and the history of ballet as I wait for gymnastics to be on. Business as usual.

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