
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Love of My Life

I am beyond tired and weary and absolutely done. And I'm in this space of thinking about anger and sin and forgiveness and what an absolute mess I am when "Beloved" comes on, and I hear Christ refer to me as the love of His life.

Really, Jesus? This is who You'd die for. I wouldn't do that for me right now.

And I'm pulled over on the side of the road having a moment when I realize something - Christ didn't just die for us. He died for His glory.

And this is the way that life long church attenders can totally miss the gospel. If you think the gospel is about you and your value, then I have news for you: you don't know the gospel. You may be able to tell me that Jesus saves sinners from death to life, but if you think you're special because Jesus died for you. I can tell you that you haven't yet tasted the life to which you've been saved.

The gospel is primarily about God. Gospel means good news, and frankly, I am not good news. But God is. In fact, that's all He is; He is only good to those who love Him and are called according to his purpose.

I sit there thinking about it how breathtaking is to be called one Jesus loves, not because it shows how good I am, but because it shows how good He is, how glorious, and how beautiful. It's all of grace.

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