
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Peg Tuning

Tune my heart to sing Thy grace

Violins have two tuning mechanisms. When you are first learning the violin, your violin almost certainly has fine tuners. These are used to make minor adjustments; some more advanced students choose to have them put on, because they can make tuning easier.

However, not all tuning problems can be fixed with the shiny silver fine tuners. In many cases, you have to take to the pegs. The pegs are tricky because they are wooden, and the thin strings wrapped around them are silver. The pegs like to slip back and forth, and if you have a touchy violin like mine, even someone or something bumping a peg can send the violin straight out of tune.

Last night, I was walking home, exhausted. Weary. I've had a cold I just can't kick; my throat and head hurt, I have body aches. You know. I was just dreaming of that moment when I crawled into bed.

But maybe that wasn't the only rest I needed.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Augustine famously wrote, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You" 

And I saw that while I was trying to fine tune, to fix a problem with a small adjustment. Jesus had His hands on the pegs. He wants to change where I look for rest and for comfort. He wants to change my heart. And that takes a lot of major tuning.

But by the time I settled in with my journal and a cup of tea, I saw it. And I saw Him. I saw how He had used my walk to tune my heart to sing His grace, and it was so beautiful. I'm so thankful.

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