
Friday, April 18, 2014

Go On Up to the Mountain of Mercy

*Written in my journal after having run 20 miles up and down a mountain so bear with me if it gets weird*

Jesus turns sorrow to joy, and mourning to laughter. And oh how He had me laughing today. I ran up the foggy mountain and reached the creek crossing. The creek was high and fast and at first, I didn't see a way to pass. I felt my Jesus calling me to trust Him. In faith, I stepped out and found myself on solid ground, laughing as water rushed all around me.

I pressed on, asking Jesus to fill T with that simple joy that comes from trusting Him to be good, always. As I worked my way up, it started to snow. And I laughed again. Snow! I kept going, thinking of that beautiful scandalous night Jesus was slain.

I am so thankful. Thankful for T's peace and my peace and that He Himself is our peace. I look out at the cloud-covered mountains and remember that I couldn't reach God so He came down to get me. Savoring Jesus and what He's done in the lives of just two daughters, it takes my breath away. Well that, and the running. Oh, the running.

And then I'm down again and I look at the trailhead. There's a sign posted, warning hikers that the creek is impassable. I laugh again, because nothing is impossible for God. Through every high and stormy gail, my anchor holds within the veil.

I get back to my car and am trying to warm up and reflect and I think how nice it would be to hang out at the trailhead for awhile, if only I had a blanket. And I look behind me and I see a blanket I put there 7 or 8 months ago. God has been so faithful to provide.

I haven't seen or heard a sign of another soul in six hours. My car is the only one here. No one on the mountain but me and my God. And I think this is the most perfect Good Friday ever. To sit alone, and think on the enormity of God's grace. The blood that covers me. The life, the full life Jesus gives.

The same song I've had all week echos up Bandera Mountain -

Go on up to the mountain of mercy
To the crimson perpetual tide 
Kneel down on the shore, 
Be thirsty no more
Go under and be purified 

This is, by the way, the Ira Spring Trail. That water that rushed all around me now fills my water bottle, and I drink and remember the living water who died on the cross for me and lives for His Father's glory and our joy. I've tasted and seen, and Jesus is Lord!

On the hillside you will be delivered
At the foot of the cross justified 
And your spirit restored 
By the river that pours
From our blessed Savior's side 

At the wonderful tragic mysterious tree
On that beautiful scandalous night you and me
Were atone by His blood and forever washed white
On that beautiful scandalous night 

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