
Monday, March 3, 2014

Public and private - how then shall we worship?

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart

Pause. Wait, what? Did I just say The Lord is the only one on the throne of my life? That I'm so captivated by Jesus that the little idol-gods don't stand a chance? 
Did I just say that I have everything because I have Jesus plus nothing? 

Finish the verse, Kate 

High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art

Is that even true? And does the way I spend my time, energy, thought and money reflect that? 

Maybe I should sing it again 

Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art

Am I truly more in love with Jesus than anyone or anything else? Is He the sole object of my full, pure devotion? 

Lord, I need You. Let these words be true to me and not just a song to sing but an actual expression of my love for You. Search my heart, and if You are not first, prune away the weeds growing in the place that is rightly Yours. Amen

Let's sing it for real

Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High King of Heaven my treasure Thou art. 

Thank You, Jesus 

The above is a real conversation I had with God while on my guitar the other day. 

I love love love leading brothers and sisters in worship. I was privileged to do so for 3ish years on and off for InterVarsity, 5 months with Rock Valley Chapel, sporadically with GOV, and now about 4 months for Anchor. I have learned and grown IMMENSELY as a worship leader, but also as a worshiper. 

Which is why I also value private worship. Worship isn't just music, but that's what I am talking about right now - singing praise to the Giver of Live, Savior of your soul. Did you know that you don't have to wait until church to sing to Jesus? He'd love to hear your voice, right now. 

When I'm leading the church, I can't stop and check my heart. I can't just sing a lyric a half dozen times or stop playing to pray. Because corporate worship isn't about me. It's about Jesus and His bride, the church, coming together to rejoice in His glory. 

But when I'm by myself, it's only about me and Jesus. It's about seeing His face and listening for His voice. It's a conversation. 

And all these conversations help the church. You can't lead anyone anywhere you haven't already been. I pray that God will use what He's teaching me in my living room to move in the hearts of the church on Sunday morning. I pray that we will be a people who worships together on Sunday morning because each person worships all week long. What a beautiful thing that could be. 

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