
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Moments from Kids Min

Today was Anchor's last day at the Wallingford Boys and Girls Club. We're moving to the Phinney Center as we continue to grow! So it was a special day to be serving with the kids. The lead teacher and other assistant and I had a fantastic time in prayer. We always pray for each other and the kids before we start, but today we were also able to praise God for the four years the church has been ministering in this specific neighborhood and ask for His peace and steadiness as we transition to a new space. I love how "big church" as well as kids min overflow with prayer from start to finish.

Asa, age 2, used to cry a lot when mom dropped him off. But today he was so sweet and wanted me to hold him. He sat in my lap listening to the Bible story of John baptizing Jesus and participated! It was so fun.

Later, as we all waited for the parents to come pick up their kiddos, I sat reading a book with a small group. As we talked about how the rich young ruler (Luke 18) didn't want Jesus to be in charge of his life, a number of the kids said, "I want that! I want Jesus to be in charge!" so we prayed and thanked God for sending Jesus to die for our sins and give us new life in Him. It was amazing.

I am so blessed by serving, and I can't wait to see what will happen with the bigger space.

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