
Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Psalm and the Shepherd

This story is taken from Madeleine L'Engle's book, The Rock that is Higher. I picked up the book because 1) I love the verse the title references. 2) I read A Wrinkle in Time and am therefore vaguely familiar with L'Engle. 3) It was $5 

I really loved the story she shared - 

"Often after dinner at these parties people give recitations, sing and use whatever talent they have to entertain the company. One year a famous actor was among the guests. When it came his turn to perform, he recited the twenty-third psalm, perhaps the most beloved psalm in the psalter. The Lors is my shepherd. I shall not want. His rendition was magnificent, and there was much applause. At the end of the evening someone noticed a little old great aunt dozing in the corner. She was deaf as a post and has missed much of what was going on, but she was urged to get up and recite something. So she stood up, and in her quavery old voice she started, The Lord is my shepherd, and went on to the end of the psalm. When she had finished there were tears in many eyes. Later one of the guests approached the famous actor. "You recited that psalm absolutely superbly. It was incomparable. So why were we so moved by that funny, little old lady?" 

He repliesd, "I know the psalm. She knows the shepherd" 

Oh that we would seek to know Him and, and not just about Him. 

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