
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hanging With the Fam

The church fam, that is. 

So every other members meeting at church I've ever been to has been very boring; handouts and budgets and blah. At anchor, I'm not technically a member (because membership class was while I was working) but I was invited to join because our pastor says I've been acting like a member and also I led worship with Gab today and they wanted someone to lead the singing of Doxology at the end. 

Anyway, this meeting was not boring at all. It was in fact pretty great. It was people telling stories of God's grace in their lives. I was moved by one couple talking about how hard and long they've been trying to have a baby but kept mis carrying and having trouble getting pregnant; they are now 30 weeks pregnant with a little boy! We also talked about the beginning of a process for a new location and talked about opportunities to serve and love each thee and our city. It was all really happy. 

I also feel very loved by my church; I've been invited to 3 Thanksgivings now! 

Thankful for
1. The opportunity to lead beautiful Jesus people in worship 

2. Church that takes being family seriously 

3. Newlyweds! Ian and Sydney looked disgustingly happy as they celebrated one week of married life with us 

4. William Wilberforce. If you don't know who he is, look him up. He labored for 20 years to abolish the slave trade in Britain and died just before slavery itself was abolished. He even profoundly impacted the abolition movement in America. 

5. Random girl who sat at my table at Starbucks with me. She was really nice and it proves that not all of Seattle is as unfriendly as the stereotype would say 

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