
Friday, September 13, 2013

Redemption Accomplished and Applied

Steadily I plug along on the list of books I've created for myself. With the exception of With Reverence and Awe, each one has become an instant favorite. This John Murray classic is no exception.

I read two sentences and thought about them for the next hour,

"The accomplishment of redemption is concerned with what has generally been called the atonement. No treatment of the atonement can be properly oriented that does not trace  its source to the free and sovereign love of God"

I was particularly drawn to the unpacking of "free" and "sovereign". These two words are often matched as opponents, but here, describing the love of God, they work together. The love is free because as a sovereign Lord, God is in control and is able to give himself and his gifts at his own will, and in that freedom, God showcases his sovereignty. It's a beautiful, crazy, complicated thing.

Other quotes of note:

"God appeases his own holy wrath in the cross of Christ in order that the purpose of his love to lost men may be accomplished in accordance with and to the vindication of all the perfections that constitute his glory"

"Ransom is the securing of a release by the payment of a price"

"Christ did not come to put men in a redeemable position but to redeem to himself of a people"

I've been thinking on the application of redemption especially. As a teacher and coach, I have seen my need for Jesus in interacting with my students. If only I could begin to show them the grace, peace and patience my Jesus has shown me! I've also been reminded about what kind of love agape really is: it's a chosen love, that is not based on the worthiness of the loved. That means that even when my kids are being difficult on purpose, I'm supposed to love them the same as if they were being perfect angels! Man, that's tough.

I really take this job seriously when it comes to being there for my kids. My coaches were the light of my life and I'm seeing that come back to me. I was invited to a high school football game tonight to watch my cheerleaders in a halftime show, and then yesterday, my 9 year old friend Rachel said, very matter of factly, "Coach Kate, in a few weeks my school is having a carnival" I replied, "Yes, Rachel?" Rachel, "I was wondering if you'd like to come" I'm going to the football game, and I'm going to that carnival because I don't want to be just another person they see once or twice a week and move on. I want to build relationships, I want to know them.

So much of my job gets me thinking about my salvation and sanctification and my Savior! It's so cool to watch this all play out.

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