
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big girl job

So I haven't really blogged this week, within good reason. I started all my classes and guess what? In 4 days I worked over 40 hours! What's weird is that at school I'd have cross country at 6:30am and a club meeting until 10:30 pm; 16 hour days were kind of just part of life and now a 12 hour day puts me right to sleep. 

But I think one big difference is that before, I was only responsible for myself. Now, I'm in charge of other people for large chunks of time, and I'm supposed to teach them things and be super energetic, happy and excited all the while. 

In any event, I am really loving this job. Even though I'm tired, it feels good. I have off tomorrow and I'm even a little sad about it, especially because I don't know if I'll get to see my camp kids again, and they did so great this week and we all had so much fun.

 I have a few super small classes that will allow me to work on specific goals with each child, and I am generally excited to see kids learning to love my all time favorite sport and being successful in their own ways. 

I've been thinking of the ways two of my favorite names of God ( the God Who Provides and the God Who Sees) connect. Because The Lord sees all of me, he is able to provide in the best way possible! I feel so abundantly blessed by him. This job really does make me happy. 

Ps not every week will be this crazy. It's just that I had a special camp this week. Well, actually I have one next week. And the week after. But the week after that, it will be calm. I hope. 

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