
Sunday, June 16, 2013

An Anchor For My Soul

Word play title guys, I'm so clever.

I found a church! It's called Anchor (now you get it I'm so funny). It's tiny but has a sweet website and a cool app that has all the sermons, and a built-in Bible with a daily reading plan.

It meets at the Wallingford Boys and Girls Club, around the corner and down the street (a mile) from my house.

This morning, I was walking and a guy who seriously resembled stevehaus opened the door for me. I went upstairs to the room...more like an area...where the congregation meets and there was coffee and a few people filing in (I was 10 minutes early). There was a guy playing the guitar, finishing up worship practice. He made eye contact with me and when he was done, came over and introduced himself and explained a little more about Anchor. The worship was really great, and I felt very home there. Then came the sermon, which is kind of a moment of truth. Pastor Andrew preached out of Psalms 1 and 2, and there was SO MUCH GOSPEL. ALL ABOUT THE GOSPEL. So that basically sealed the deal.

We took communion mostly independently, but we did pray together and read Scripture so I am willing to let this one point I wanted in a church go. And during this time, there was space for people to share words that they felt were for the church. A lot of freedom, a lot of joy. More wonderful worship, simple, but joyful.

Afterwards a bunch of people came and met me...when you're new at a small church it's generally quite obvious.

Overall, I think this is it guys! Now we can't move too far away from here, Liztowne.


  1. but will this stevehaus 2.0 host trivia on wednesdays so you don't have to work on your thesis?


      But some-post work trivia would be nice. 10pm trivia would be perfect because I could eat dinner and change and then play after work.

      He told me his real name but I forgot it because I was so focused on how familiar he looked.
