
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sunset, Sunrise

From the rising of the sun to its setting,
    the name of the Lord is to be praised!
Psalm 113:3 

Last year, right before I left Senegal, Addie and I went for a beautiful sunrise walk through the city of Dakar. We knew each other before Senegal, but that trip really gave us a deep, lasting friendship that we could not have predicted. We walked far, and we talked about what we'd learned and how we'd grown, what we'd miss and what we were so unbelievably thankful for.

A few weeks ago, she suggested doing it again, here. I was struck by the perfection of this idea. 

Last night, I was reading in my room, on my bed, and I got up for some reason. I was taken aback by the beauty of the sunset. It was pink and purple and absolutely spectacular. I grabbed my guitar, and started to praise. 

I got stuck on a bridge, adding my own variations as I went on:

We lift the cross, lift it high, lift it high 

We lift the cross, lift it high, lift it high 

We lift Your cross, lift it high, lift it high 

Lord, lift Your cross, lift it high in my life 

Lift Your cross, lift it high in my life 

Lord, I lift Your cross, lift it high in my life

And on and on I went, in wonder and awe of the Lord and blessings and grace. 

Hours later, I woke up to excitement. I met Addie in the park between her house and campus. We walked and talked and remembered and sat and laughed and smiled and looked. We ate oatmeal and mangoes and loved. 

This is what this week should be. Beautiful. 

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