
Monday, May 13, 2013

God Knows My Name

God Knows My Name is a book I picked up for free online, and it's by Beth Redman (yes, she is Matt Redman's wife), and it definitely would have been worth paying for. Maybe it's because I've been so personally effected by the fact that God knows me and the word he uses to express that knowledge, yadda, but this book is just rubbing balm into my soul.

I am loving every minute, but am of course drawn to her commentary on the woman at the well in John 4. This woman was a sinner and she knew it. And the fact that Jesus knew her and wanted to spend time with her anyway moved her. I feel like that, too, and that's why I love her story so much. Anyway, Beth writes,

"She had lived a life of sin and shame in the eyes of society, and yet Jesus, the Son of God, chose to come and sit next to her, draw water near to her, and drink with her...Her history did not matter to Jesus, but her future did. The compassion, kindness and love that Jesus showed during their conversation completely captivated her...He took her sin and shame, and left freedom and forgiveness in its place. He knew about her socially disgraceful past, and He met her in the middle of a difficult present to offer her an eternal future"

I read this, and its Scripture, and wonder what happened to the woman after. She was forever changed by the Master, but I can say with good confidence that she sinned until she died. We all do. I think of Paul saying he does not do that which he ought. And I wonder, maybe me keep sinning after we've been saved in order to remind us that we are still being saved, and we still need our Savior to do that.

As Beth relates this to each one of us, she writes,

"Jesus approaches you. He comes to you today, as you sit with your cup of tea or pour your glass of wine. He is there"

I like this a lot. I like the reminder that since I was not the one who approached Jesus, He approached me, I can't hide. He will always come to me where I am. He knows who I am and that's why He comes. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not.

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