
Thursday, April 25, 2013

How'd I Do?

At the first InterVarsity meeting of the semester, Casey had us write letters to ourselves. I've done things like this before, and when you write it, you always think you'll remember what it said.


I didn't even remember writing the letter! I blame thesis.

Anyway, I feel comfortable putting my letter out here. I asked myself a lot of questions that will help guide me in my reflections on this semester, but I also want to ask you, my readers, particularly ones who see me around regularly (though if you have an idea based on my writings, I'm not opposed to your contributions) on how I did. I find it really hard to be a fair judge of myself, so I would welcome any input you might want to share.

One note before I go, is that I thought I'd be receiving this after graduation for some reason, so I congratulate myself on that. There's also a verse at the end that I had to look up when I read it because it's something that God laid on my heart right as I sealed the letter up. I have linked all the verses referenced to the Amplified, because although I've been more in the English Standard, I know that I had the Amplified that night based on the one verse that was originally written out completely. So here it goes:


Dear Kate, 

Your last year has been an explosion of growth and the Lord has timelessly proved His faithfulness to you. You were feeling funky about your return to Beloit, but congratulations, you have graduated. 

What kind of mark have you allowed the Spirit to leave? What seeds have you planted? Have you shown yourself to be real, devoted, in touch, and loving? Do people trust you? Are you known for loving your neighbor even when it's hard and it hurts and they're as messy as you are? Did you serve with eagerness and joy?

How have you lived out 2 Corinthians 12:15? 
But I will most gladly spend [myself] and be utterly spent for your souls. If I love you exceedingly, am I to be loved [by you] the less?

Learn from your successes; what worked? Did you rest in Christ and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? Learn from your failures. You can be intentional anywhere you are. Be willing. Be quiet when God asks you to be quiet, and unashamed when He wants you to shout His name from the rooftops. Be the first to apologize, to confess, to volunteer to help someone out. Be a joy (Psalm 16:11; 1 Peter 3:14) and be someone others know they can trust. 

Confess your own sins, and don't be afraid to admit that you come messy and ashamed to the cross. Know that your life is to the praise of Christ's glory, and that His word will not return void. 

Love people when it's hard, love God even more when it seems impossible. 

<3 (I drew a real heart, duh) Kate

Matthew 12:7 - from God. How'd you do? 

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