
Monday, March 11, 2013

Stress Eating and a Sanity Manifesto

This is exactly what they look for as warning signs for how people became obese when they're on the Biggest Loser. I love the Biggest Loser, but I also love stress eating. It is currently not a big deal because I am 21 and I also run a whole lot. And I call it stress eating when I eat a quinoa salad and then cookies and coffee so it's not like I'm eating a whole pizza or anything like that.

Anyway, this is why I'm stress eating:

Beth paper
Matt paper
Easter service order
Easer service participants
Palm Sunday worship team
Choir rehearsals
Worship team rehearsals
Practicing the guitar parts
Looking for a job

Maggie told me to just start telling people I'm going to vomit if they ask me to do anything else. Then she made me laugh when she started talking about how funny of a word vomit is.

Something I realized today is that if I don't find some way to live intentionally positively about the next seven weeks, I am going to be fairly unpleasant to be around, and I'd just rather not act like that and make everyone else feel stressed and have to listen to me whine all day.

I will give the Lord the first and best of my life, and not neglect Him no matter how busy I feel (Psalm 119:10, Proverbs 3:9).

I will ask someone how their day is going before talking about mine, and really care about her answer.

I will take 15 minutes between class/studying and practice to pause and just be.

Every day, I will be thankful for one thing that I accomplished.

I am going to count blessings every hour, on the hour. I will give thanks for all things at all times for the Lord is all good, and I need Him and His grace every hour (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

I am not going to talk about jobs or graduation or anything related to that at practice.

My goal is to recognize the graces in my life and to remember that I am living in God's will.

I will fail and I will get upset but I want to try. Try to be a little bit more thankful, a little bit better.

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